Sunday, January 23, 2011

LA homelearning

The main moral of this comic strip is to set a good example for others and that you are sometimes doing things that are wrong without even noticing it. This comic strip is about a father who tells his son to follow in his footsteps and learn from him although he uttered vulgar in front of his son without even noticing it. His son started to learn from him and forty years later, when is already an old man and his son has already grown up, he discovers that his son also utters vulgar and asked him for the reason. He is to hear his son telling him that he learnt from him.

I choose a home with not much furniture for the first picture to show that the father is not very rich and that he is uneducated and hence, speaks vulgar. However, his son has a home that has more furniture and this is to show that just because the father did not set a good example for his son, there is irony that such a rich son should be educated enough to not speak vulgar but the son is.

Also, the same background for picture 2 and 3 was made the same on purpose to show that the son learnt directly from his father. This shows how a setting can create such an effect to make the story more interesting.

Lastly, the son eating the green candy helps to make readers understand that the son has grown up if not, they will be confused why the characters suddenly "change" in the comic although the truth is that they have grown up and old.

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