Saturday, January 15, 2011

Write about a sing that had impacted you: Apologize

Introduction(not counted in the 150 words)

Apologize by One Timberland is a song that had a great impact on me. I heard it at a mall and from its sad tune; I could tell that it must have had some meaning in the lyrics. So, I went to check it out and found that I was correct. This song had a sad story behind it and also a life lesson. This song is about a girl presumably who is taking for granted the fact that she knows the boy will always take her back. But now the boy is starting to realize that he can't keep taking her back. So he is either figuratively or literally dying. I think that because the song starts and ends with "I'm holding on a rope got me ten feet off the ground" means that the boy is in the same position in the beginning as he is in the end, which means he's still in love. I think that even though he knows he can't keep taking her back, he can't help but still love her anyway.


Before I heard this song, I was one who did not know how to cherish the things that I had. Therefore, I lost many friends and wasted the time I had with my parents. I did not appreciate my parents’ love and care for me. After hearing this song and the underlying meaning of its lyrics, I finally woke up and found that I had not been cherishing all the things I had, and had started to regret it. It taught me that I had to appreciate everything that I had, for example, my friends, my parents, my phone and that I have food to eat, instead of saying that I do not like a friend's face, not listening to my parents' advices, saying that I do not like my phone and that I want a better one, or also complaining that I do not like the food my mother cooked while people in other countries are starving and do not even have money to buy clothes. I have to cherish them because people will die and leave us one day, so it is best to do so when they are still alive or we will regret it. This song also teacher us to move on in life when something bad happens.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very refreshing piece of reflection. Enjoy the little things in life. Count your blessings. When you think you are the unluckiest person on Earth, look around and you would realize that you had taken everything for granted: at least I can see, I can write, I have a home, I have a loving family... The list is limitless. Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish today, cherish your loved ones and cherish your life. You never know when you cannot wake up the next day...
