Friday, February 25, 2011

Please refer to the screen shots below: 1. Benedict Lee 2. Wong Wei Cong 3. Xavier Neo Click on the picture to enlarge.

Write each character’s experience from a first-person point of view

A new student

I sat at the hall and candles were past among us. Later, the headmaster gave a speech as in one part, he told us,” Gentlemen, 100 years ago, in 1859, 41 students sat here and were asked the same question. What are the pillars?” Immediately, many of the other students stood us and my father also nodded at me, signalling me to stand up too.

They said,” Friendship, honour, discipline, excellence.” Later at the dormitories, while I was getting to know my new friends, my father suddenly came in and told me that I was having too many extra-curricular activities and that he was dropping me out of school. I was shocked and also a little angry with my father. Later, my father slowly explained to me outside the room.


I sat at the bench while the headmaster gave his speech. He mentioned some very old school values, and I thought that he was someone who emphasized on values, just like me. I hope that I will be able to co-operate with him well. Later, he introduced me and as I stood up, I could see that I was received enthusiastically as many of the people were clapping for me. I felt quite touch because I thought that the students would only accept old teachers that they were familiar with.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Describe the scene in one of week 4's photos

Describe the scene in one of week 4's photos

This picture shows the place where I treat as my second home as I am there most of the time. Everyday in the afternoon, players can be seen there training and fighting like mad bulls during a match. Also, the coach can be seen shouting instructions like a mad hatter.

We have two coaches, and whenever we do not play well during our matches, one of them will be like a thunder storm ready to explode while the other one will be like a red bull that saw red. Then, both of them will start to scold us although we know that they are just concerned for us and want us to do well for our competitions.

Sometimes, when it is raining cats and dogs, we would have no other choices but to come out of the water and do physical training like push-ups and pull-ups. None of us liked to these but we had to because only be doing these could be have a stronger and more flexible bodies in order to win competitions.

I still remember one of the times when I fell down and my elbow hit the pavement and shredded like cheese in a grater. That was one of the most terrifying things that happened to me there although I think that it is alright to get injuries once in a while.

This place will always be in my heart as it has many sentimental values to me. I have even slept there before.

Friday, February 18, 2011

LA lessons reflection

I think that I have learnt pretty much from the LA lessons. For example, I have learnt how to write a good short story and I also feel that my writing skills have improved tremendously as I now know how to make use of the setting to create the mood, and also characterization to make the reader know more about the character such that the character could be imagined in his mind when the reader is reading the short story. I enjoy the LA lessons as there is a lot of group work involved and also, what I like most is that we sometimes get to see interesting videos like the one on Susan Boyle. I liked the lesson on characterization where we had to describe the physical features of characters like snow white and Cinderella most which make these characters attract so many young children. This was the most interesting lesson as many of us were laughing at the mention of the characters’ bust size. I think that the LA lessons should have more involvement in IT like having the lessons in the computer labs and also maybe using the school ground for assignments. For example, there could be an assignment which asks us to find different settings of the school and write a story where that setting is involved in.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

characterisation: story excerpt

Naruto was struggling fighting all six pains, who each had different abilities but were controlled by one of them, which was the real one. He thought: If only i can defeat the real one, then all six of them would then die. But, which is the real one? The only thing of his advantage was that they were each different in look so that if Naruto could spot the real pain, it would not be easy for them to try to confuse him as Naruto could then easily differentiate them.

However, after having defeated one of them, another one took the dead body and revived it with one of his special jutsu. This was what discouraged Naruto the most but he thought: The pain that can do that jutsu is hidden at the back of their formation and protected by the other five pains because he can only do that but cannot fight. How am I supposed to defeat him first to prevent him from reviving any of them again?

Just then, a fantastic idea came to his mind and he grinned. He used his Shadow clone jutsu when they were not noticing and while he was attacking the pains in the front, his clone sneaked up and attack on the pain in the back.

After that he laughed at the pains, saying that they were fools but after a while he was busy fighting again, he did not notice that he was only fighting four of them and that the real pain was holding his dagger right behind him, ready to stab him just like what he did to the pain that could revive a moment ago......