Friday, February 25, 2011

Write each character’s experience from a first-person point of view

A new student

I sat at the hall and candles were past among us. Later, the headmaster gave a speech as in one part, he told us,” Gentlemen, 100 years ago, in 1859, 41 students sat here and were asked the same question. What are the pillars?” Immediately, many of the other students stood us and my father also nodded at me, signalling me to stand up too.

They said,” Friendship, honour, discipline, excellence.” Later at the dormitories, while I was getting to know my new friends, my father suddenly came in and told me that I was having too many extra-curricular activities and that he was dropping me out of school. I was shocked and also a little angry with my father. Later, my father slowly explained to me outside the room.


I sat at the bench while the headmaster gave his speech. He mentioned some very old school values, and I thought that he was someone who emphasized on values, just like me. I hope that I will be able to co-operate with him well. Later, he introduced me and as I stood up, I could see that I was received enthusiastically as many of the people were clapping for me. I felt quite touch because I thought that the students would only accept old teachers that they were familiar with.

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