Saturday, July 23, 2011

Term 3 Week 1 (Blogging Assignment) Veteran labour leader Halimah Yacob recently called for the legislation of weekly days off for maids working in

In my opinion, I think that maids should be given weekly days off.

Maids are also human beings like us and human beings need rest in order to continue with our tasks. If we do not give our maids weekly days off, they will not be able to relieve stress and rest, which will result in the efficiency of their work suffering. Hence, it is not right to think that the maid will be able to do more things for us if we do not give them weekly days off, because after they have taken a break, they will be refreshed and all ready to serve us better. In this way, they will become more efficient as they will not feel that their work is boring, and this will even reduce the chances of them wanting to run away from their employers’ homes.

Also, if we give our maids weekly days off, then many of them would most probably go to shopping malls to buy the things that they like and also expensive food, to reward themselves for their hard work during the weekdays. In doing so, they would spend some money, which can help to improve Singapore’s economy. You might think that this is just one maid spending just a little sum of money, which will only help to improve the economy a little, but if everybody in Singapore does the same, then this will help to improve the economy tremendously as there are many maids in Singapore.

Hence, we can conclude that there will be many advantages not only for us, but also for the whole country if we give our maids just weekly days off. If we can help our country just by doing something so simple, then why not?

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