Saturday, July 23, 2011

Term 3 Week 2 (Blogging Assignment) An article entitled 'The Religion of Water' was published in The Straits Times on 7 July 2011. In the article, i

Water is a necessity for all living things, especially human beings. We need water in order to survive and without it, there would not be a single living thing on Earth.

If we treat water as a human right, then everybody, including the poor, will have access to water. However, of water is treated as a human right, then only the rich or the average class people will have access, and the poor will have to suffer as they will only get to have a little amount of water.

However, I think that water should be treated as a commodity. Although, 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, there is only a little clean water, while the rest are not suitable for drinking. Furthermore, many people nowadays are wasting water. For example, many of us often take our time to shower and also do not reuse water by for example, using the water used to wash rice to water the plants. We might think that this will only save a little water, but if the whole world does this, then a lot of water will be saved.

However, when water is cheap and everyone has ample water, we will start wasting it. Hence, if water is treated as a commodity, then everyone will learn to reuse it as the poor, who will only have a little access to it, will try their best to save water. The average and the rich class will try to save a little of it as the price of water goes up. Hence, our precious resource, water can then be saved as everyone will do their part to save water in fear that they will not have enough water.

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