Monday, August 15, 2011

Can Justice and mercy co-exist?

Many people from all around the world have debated Justice and mercy. Both are good to have but also hard to uphold. However, the problem is that whether this two can actually co-exist.

Justice is something like an eye for an eye type of resolution. For example, if you take someone’s life, your life will also be taken. Justice makes sure that the culprit will be punished, and also make the victim feel good because Justice has been done to the one who hurt him. Without Justice, the world will be in chaos. There will be murder, violence, robbery and many other things because the offender will not be punished and will hence, continue to continue. After a while, the whole world will collapse because there is too many of this. Therefore, Justice is important.

Mercy is something like the opposite of Justice, where the culprit is not punished but forgiven. An example is when a person kills someone, he is given a chance to turn over a new leaf and never commit his crime again.

Mercy can never co-exist with Justice. When a person commits a crime and if there is Justice, he will be given his punishment but if there is mercy, his punishment will either be lightened or removed.

In conclusion, I think that both Mercy and Justice are good virtues and are needed for a society to function well. The main thing is to know when to use Justice or Mercy. When a person has gone into a point where he cannot be forgiven anymore, then there can only be Justice.

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