Monday, August 15, 2011

Term 3 Week 4 (Blogging Assignment) Read the following Newsweek article, How to Raise a Global Kid, byLisa Miller (July 18, 2011) http://www.newsw

Jim Rogers’s main point is that with the world’ rapidly evolving economy, we must have a global perspective and stay connected to the rest of the world and must also have a good grasp of various languages.

As we all know, America has accumulated a tremendous debt of $14.46 million, far worse than 2006, and its debt crisis is becoming ever more pressing. Although America is the superpower at the moment, Jim Rogers is critical of this, because many other countries are also rising. An example is China, which is developing very quickly each day. In the 21st Century, the children will have to meet foreign people, especially those from China. Hence, we will have to start getting exposed to other languages so that we will be able communicate with other people from other countries in future.

I agree with Jim Rogers’s argument, as America will no longer be the one and only superpower in the world. Although English is still widely used, the other languages are also equally important now. Also, even though America might be a superpower, it will still have to depend on other countries such as China and Japan for technology and knowledge. China is also extremely capable of producing cheap goods, many of which are of almost equal quality of the original goods made from America. Of course, many people will actually choose the goods from China because they are cheap and good. Even in Singapore, schools are teaching their students third language, which shows how even Singapore already recognizes this fact and are trying to help its citizens to prepare for the 21st Century.

Hence, it is a must to be able to speak foreign languages and not just English because it will be to our advantage, as we will not only be depending on America in the future but also many other countries.

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