Monday, January 31, 2011

Photo of school campus: swimming pool

I took photos of the swimming pool in our school campus because that is the place l like to swim and also, I go to the swimming pool almost every day to for CCA. This pool has man memories of sad moments but also happy ones. Without this, my life in Hwa Chong would have had been quite boring and my grades would also be not as good as this is the place where info to whenever I am bored all that I am feeling stressed. After unstressing I would feel so much better and would be able to study better. However, this place also left me very bad memories like falling down and injuring my leg, getting scolded and pumped by the coach, and aldo wuarelling with one of my teammate. This place gives me the feel that I have an identity as all of my teammates support me which gives me confidence to speak up and have a place and identity in this society so that u can also have an identity when I grow up.

1 comment:

  1. This a very nice post on your favourite place in Hwa Chong. I think that your post has inculcated your feelings for this place. It is also very detailed. However, I think there a several mistake in your post. Firstly, you posted "This pool has man memories of sad moments but also happy ones." I think that you meant "many memories". Also, you posted "aldo wuarelling". I doubt that there is such a word. I think you meant to say "also quarelling". Besides that, I find that this is post is well done.

    Darren Lim (14) (2A1)
