Sunday, February 6, 2011

characterisation: story excerpt

Naruto was struggling fighting all six pains, who each had different abilities but were controlled by one of them, which was the real one. He thought: If only i can defeat the real one, then all six of them would then die. But, which is the real one? The only thing of his advantage was that they were each different in look so that if Naruto could spot the real pain, it would not be easy for them to try to confuse him as Naruto could then easily differentiate them.

However, after having defeated one of them, another one took the dead body and revived it with one of his special jutsu. This was what discouraged Naruto the most but he thought: The pain that can do that jutsu is hidden at the back of their formation and protected by the other five pains because he can only do that but cannot fight. How am I supposed to defeat him first to prevent him from reviving any of them again?

Just then, a fantastic idea came to his mind and he grinned. He used his Shadow clone jutsu when they were not noticing and while he was attacking the pains in the front, his clone sneaked up and attack on the pain in the back.

After that he laughed at the pains, saying that they were fools but after a while he was busy fighting again, he did not notice that he was only fighting four of them and that the real pain was holding his dagger right behind him, ready to stab him just like what he did to the pain that could revive a moment ago......

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