Thursday, February 24, 2011

Describe the scene in one of week 4's photos

Describe the scene in one of week 4's photos

This picture shows the place where I treat as my second home as I am there most of the time. Everyday in the afternoon, players can be seen there training and fighting like mad bulls during a match. Also, the coach can be seen shouting instructions like a mad hatter.

We have two coaches, and whenever we do not play well during our matches, one of them will be like a thunder storm ready to explode while the other one will be like a red bull that saw red. Then, both of them will start to scold us although we know that they are just concerned for us and want us to do well for our competitions.

Sometimes, when it is raining cats and dogs, we would have no other choices but to come out of the water and do physical training like push-ups and pull-ups. None of us liked to these but we had to because only be doing these could be have a stronger and more flexible bodies in order to win competitions.

I still remember one of the times when I fell down and my elbow hit the pavement and shredded like cheese in a grater. That was one of the most terrifying things that happened to me there although I think that it is alright to get injuries once in a while.

This place will always be in my heart as it has many sentimental values to me. I have even slept there before.

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