Saturday, April 23, 2011

Should students be given more freedom in deciding school rules?

Term 2 Week 5 (Weekend Assignment)

Write a short essay of about 300 words on the following question:

'Students should be given more freedom in deciding school rules.' What are your views?

Post your essay on your blog. This will be a good practice for your common test. Think about what I've taught you about writing a good essay.

Many parents are now complaining about the strict school rules like no eating and drinking in class, only white shoes being allowed, handing up their homework on time and also many more. However, has any parent every thought about the reason why the school set all these rules? Surely, the school would not set all these rules for no reason. The school would obviously not try to harm its students but instead help them. So why?

Many students nowadays are very indiscipline as many of their parents work all day long and have no time to spend with them and to supervise them to make sure that they are doing their homework and revising for their examinations instead of playing too much computer games. This is where school rules come in. The students are punished when they do not do their homework. That is what makes students who are undisciplined do their homework.

Also, eating in class would dirty the classroom and if the students cannot even not eat in class, then how are they supposed to not eat in their rooms, especially when their parents are out and there is no one to remind them not to do so. Sooner or later, there would be insects in their room and there would be great trouble.

To conclude, if students are given freedom in deciding school rules, then they would most probably remove the rules stated above they would also have to face the consequences stated.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The slideshow

In this lesson, you will be exploring the theme of 'war'.

View the slideshow of war photos (the link below). Choose one photo and describe the photo. Your descriptive piece should focus on the mood and atmosphere of the photo chosen. Your objective is to evoke emotions of your reader through the description of the mood and atmosphere of the picture.

Your descriptive piece should be about 250 words long.

I crawled on the ground, trying to escape from the bullets of our enemies. There were bloodstains, dead bodies, debris, and dying people everywhere. The place was very messy and gunshots could be heard every single second. The people were running in every direction and trying to escape. I was shot and injured in the leg and hence, had no other choice but to crawl and also act dead at certain times. I used the debris of the buildings and also the corpses to protect myself from the incoming bullets.

My clothes were torn and tattered and my shoes had many holes in them and were also covered with blood. Even my gun had run out of bullets. Our enemies were all over the place and had totally outnumbered us. I was lucky to have been only hurt in the leg and not killed as almost all of our people was dead and I was one of the only few survivors left.

Slowly crawling, I threw rocks at the enemies from their backs and mot of them hit their heads and knocked them out. The others that missed surprised them, as they did not know where the stones and rocks came from. The stones were good “ bullets” as they were abundant and could be found from everywhere. There were those from fallen buildings, those from the ground, and also those that were from broken machinery. I knew that I would be killed if I kept throwing and hence, I only threw at those who were near to me and had a high possibility of spotting me from the debris.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Does nuclear energy still have a part to play in the world?

Does nuclear energy still have a part to play in the world?

As our society gets more and more advanced, our technology also gets more advanced. Inevitably, what we sometimes create which is meant for the good of ourselves turn out to harm us instead. Take for example, nuclear energy, which whereby we used technology to help us generate electricity. However, nuclear energy has harmed us in the case in Japan after the earthquake.

Nuclear energy, unlike coal, natural gas, or oil, is better in the way that it is renewable. If we depend too much fossil fuel, we will be in trouble as these are non-renewable and are going to run out in a few years time. Also, fossil fuel causes pollution, which is currently a serious problem in this world.

Secondly, nuclear energy is also clean if it is handled with care. However, hydro-electricity and wind energy are also clean. So, what makes nuclear energy different from the other two? It is because of the fact that nuclear energy is cheaper, more efficient, and more cost-effective. Dams will have to be created for hydro-electricity while expensive machines will have to be purchased in the case of wind energy.

Lastly, scientists are now working very hard to build safer nuclear plants. Hence, we will no longer need to worry about the danger of nuclear electricity in years to come. Hence, we can have all the advantages of nuclear energy without having to worry about its biggest problem-safety.

As technology get more and more advanced these days, and appliances require more and more energy to run, nuclear energy is a good substitution for fossil fuels, which are going to run out very soon. Hence, although it is dangerous, nuclear energy still plays are very important part in our world.