Saturday, April 23, 2011

Should students be given more freedom in deciding school rules?

Term 2 Week 5 (Weekend Assignment)

Write a short essay of about 300 words on the following question:

'Students should be given more freedom in deciding school rules.' What are your views?

Post your essay on your blog. This will be a good practice for your common test. Think about what I've taught you about writing a good essay.

Many parents are now complaining about the strict school rules like no eating and drinking in class, only white shoes being allowed, handing up their homework on time and also many more. However, has any parent every thought about the reason why the school set all these rules? Surely, the school would not set all these rules for no reason. The school would obviously not try to harm its students but instead help them. So why?

Many students nowadays are very indiscipline as many of their parents work all day long and have no time to spend with them and to supervise them to make sure that they are doing their homework and revising for their examinations instead of playing too much computer games. This is where school rules come in. The students are punished when they do not do their homework. That is what makes students who are undisciplined do their homework.

Also, eating in class would dirty the classroom and if the students cannot even not eat in class, then how are they supposed to not eat in their rooms, especially when their parents are out and there is no one to remind them not to do so. Sooner or later, there would be insects in their room and there would be great trouble.

To conclude, if students are given freedom in deciding school rules, then they would most probably remove the rules stated above they would also have to face the consequences stated.

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