Sunday, April 17, 2011

The slideshow

In this lesson, you will be exploring the theme of 'war'.

View the slideshow of war photos (the link below). Choose one photo and describe the photo. Your descriptive piece should focus on the mood and atmosphere of the photo chosen. Your objective is to evoke emotions of your reader through the description of the mood and atmosphere of the picture.

Your descriptive piece should be about 250 words long.

I crawled on the ground, trying to escape from the bullets of our enemies. There were bloodstains, dead bodies, debris, and dying people everywhere. The place was very messy and gunshots could be heard every single second. The people were running in every direction and trying to escape. I was shot and injured in the leg and hence, had no other choice but to crawl and also act dead at certain times. I used the debris of the buildings and also the corpses to protect myself from the incoming bullets.

My clothes were torn and tattered and my shoes had many holes in them and were also covered with blood. Even my gun had run out of bullets. Our enemies were all over the place and had totally outnumbered us. I was lucky to have been only hurt in the leg and not killed as almost all of our people was dead and I was one of the only few survivors left.

Slowly crawling, I threw rocks at the enemies from their backs and mot of them hit their heads and knocked them out. The others that missed surprised them, as they did not know where the stones and rocks came from. The stones were good “ bullets” as they were abundant and could be found from everywhere. There were those from fallen buildings, those from the ground, and also those that were from broken machinery. I knew that I would be killed if I kept throwing and hence, I only threw at those who were near to me and had a high possibility of spotting me from the debris.

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