Saturday, April 16, 2011

Does nuclear energy still have a part to play in the world?

Does nuclear energy still have a part to play in the world?

As our society gets more and more advanced, our technology also gets more advanced. Inevitably, what we sometimes create which is meant for the good of ourselves turn out to harm us instead. Take for example, nuclear energy, which whereby we used technology to help us generate electricity. However, nuclear energy has harmed us in the case in Japan after the earthquake.

Nuclear energy, unlike coal, natural gas, or oil, is better in the way that it is renewable. If we depend too much fossil fuel, we will be in trouble as these are non-renewable and are going to run out in a few years time. Also, fossil fuel causes pollution, which is currently a serious problem in this world.

Secondly, nuclear energy is also clean if it is handled with care. However, hydro-electricity and wind energy are also clean. So, what makes nuclear energy different from the other two? It is because of the fact that nuclear energy is cheaper, more efficient, and more cost-effective. Dams will have to be created for hydro-electricity while expensive machines will have to be purchased in the case of wind energy.

Lastly, scientists are now working very hard to build safer nuclear plants. Hence, we will no longer need to worry about the danger of nuclear electricity in years to come. Hence, we can have all the advantages of nuclear energy without having to worry about its biggest problem-safety.

As technology get more and more advanced these days, and appliances require more and more energy to run, nuclear energy is a good substitution for fossil fuels, which are going to run out very soon. Hence, although it is dangerous, nuclear energy still plays are very important part in our world.

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